Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Marie Antoinette by Katheryn Lasky

Marie Antoinette
By: K. Lasky 

From birth, Maria Antonia's family knew she was to become a queen. But not just any queen, the queen of France! Now young Antonia must be taught to be very proper and queenlike. She has lessons and lesson and even more lesson every day. But her mother says that now she is a dauphine, she will be called Marie Antoinette. And she is to be married at fourteen to a man she never even met!

What will happen to her? It is a very interesting tale, sharing her hardships and her thoughts through her diary. Being archduchess is now, in me, in a new light!I know that girls a bit older, ten or so would really enjoy this because I have!

Reviewed by: Anne 

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