Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hatchet- Chapters 1-5

After reading chapters 1-5, answer the following questions by clicking post a comment. Remember to include your name! Write in complete sentences.

1. Why is Brian visiting his father in Canada? How does Brian feel about his mother? How do you know? (Provide text evidence.)

2. What is "The Secret?"

3. What is Brian's plan for landing the plane? What conclusions can you draw about Brian from the actions he takes before the crash?

4. What lesson does Brian remember from Mr. Perpich, his English teacher? How does that lesson help Brian as he sits beside the lake?
5. List all of Brian's possiessions and predict how each possession may help him survive and what will be useless.
5. How would you have reacted if you were in Brian's shoes when the pilot dies?


Anonymous said...


1 He lives in canada. He is missing his mom because he has not seen his mom in a long time.
2the secret is the divorce
3he is going to land in a lake away from the trees.

Anonymous said...

gareth h 1. Brian is going to his fathers house becausehe has travel rights
2. the secret is that his mom is in love wih some one else
3. brian's plan is to land in a lake. brian is smart
4. his teacher taught him to look at what he had
5. the hatchet is goingtobe helpful but the rest will be pretty useless
6. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek

Anonymous said...

1 Brian lives in canada, He has not seen his mom in a long time. 2. The secret is that Brians parents are divorced.3. Brian is going to land in a lake away from the trees. 4.His teacher said to look at all the things he has. 5.I think that the hatchet will be useful everything else he has will be useless. 6. I would have been freaked out.

Anonymous said...

4 to be positive and stay on top of things.
5 i would try to turn around and go to the landing site where he was starting that trip.

Anonymous said...

7 only the hatchet will be useful and everything else will be useless