After reading the rest of Hachiko Waits, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use text evidence when necessary and write your name on your comment!
1. How is Hachi loyal?
2. What happened when Hachi barked for the second time in his life?
3. Why was Mr. Yoshikawa happy about Hachi dying?
4. What is the special train?
5. How was Hachi honored?
6. How did Hachi teach loyalty, devotion, hope, and faith to others? Explain and give examples from any part of the book.
1: Hachi is loyal because he never gives up on people and never turns away from you.
2: Hachi fell to the ground and and his heart stopped beating.(he died)
3: He was happy because Hachi was in a better place and he does't have to be old anymore and will be the first to see the Professer.
4: The special train I'd the train that takes people to Heaven.
5: A famous artist sculpted Hachi in to a statue.
6: He caroline
6: He showed all of those things by never giving up to see his master and always folwed his master. He also was up for the Professer training him and learning new comands.
Caroline ( I love this this book!!!!)
Angela Larson
1.Hachi never gave up hope. He never cared what kind of people touched him for good luck. He is Chuken. Sounds like loyalty to me!
2. I think Hachi barks only when something bad is going to happen. He only barked when the Professor was about to die, and when he was about to die!
3. Mr. Yoshikawa was happy when Hachi died because he knew Hachi was in a better place without his pains.
4.The "Special Train" is the train that "carries spirits into heaven"
5. Hachi had a WHOLE CROWD come around his statue! a REALLY big crowd! people even touched him for good luck!
6. When Hachi didn't give up hope, nobody else did either.
1.He was on the loyal to the proff because he waited for him even though he was dead
2.before proff got on the train
3.he said he is no longer old he is no longer tired and she is now with the proff.He said that the proff is waiting for Hachi and when the trains doors open they will unite
4.The special train is the gateway heaven.
5.He was honored by a man building a statue.
6.taught other people to never give up, and he showed that by waiting 10 years.
1. How is Hachi loyal?
Hachi is loyal by not leaving his master.
2. What happened when Hachi barked for the second time in his life?
Hachi died the second time he barked in his life.
3. Why was Mr. Yoshikawa happy about Hachi dying?
He was happy because he was in a better place and he is with his proff.
4. What is the special train?
The special train is the train to heaven.
5. How was Hachi honored?
Hachi was honered by haveing a staue of him.
6. How did Hachi teach loyalty, devotion, hope, and faith to others? Explain and give examples from any part of the book.
Hachi kate
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