After reading chapters 7-8, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use text evidence when necessary.
1. Why did Yasuo want to be the first person off the train?
2. What does devoted mean? How is Hachi devoted?
3. How will Yasuo take care of him?
4. How does Hachi react every time a train approaches?
5. Why does Hachi continue to hope and wait for his master each day?
6. How does Hachi earn the name Chuken Hachiko? What does it mean and why does it fit him?
7. How is Hachi encouraging the people of Japan?
8. How did Hachi impress everyone when he ate the Yakitori?
1: Yasuo wanted to be the first person off te train because when he was at school he kept worring about Hachi. Like was he thirsty? Was he hungry? Was he safe? And wanted to know if his father had somehow gotten Hachi back. I found my answer on page 54.
2: The word devoted means like attached like Hachi was to the Professer. I found my answer on page 63.
3: Yasuo will feed him, play with him, and care for him like any other dog.
4: Hachi acts alert every time a trains unloads because it is his mission to find his master.
5: It is because he has hope and continues to wait because he remembers the kindness of the Professer. I found my answer on pages 61-62.
6: Hachi earned the name "Chuken Hachiko" by being faithful and it also means faithful. I think it fits him because he thinks the Professer is still going to come.
7: Everyone is moved by his loyalty and devotio. I found my answer on page 63.
8: Everyone was impressed by Hachi actully eating it off the stick and not just in his bowl. I found my answer on page 64.
1. Yasuo wanted to be the first to get off the train because he wanted to see Hachi.
2. To be devoted is to like, have hope of something. Hachi shows devotion by always going to the train station right on time and looking at every person's face.
3. Since Yasuo can't take Hachi home, Yasuo brings fresh food and water every day to the train station.
4. Every time a train approches he is very alert.
5. I think Hachi continues to hope that his master is there because he knows his master would never abandon him and he used to come home at three 'o clock every day.
6. Chuken means to die of noble death. Hachi probably got that name because his is noble and hopeful and he will probably be like that all his life.
7. Hachi encouraged people to have hope by waiting for his master every day.
8. Hachi impressed everyone by eating Yakitori because he jumped up, stanched it out of Yasuo's hand, and used his paws to tear the chicken of the stick.
Angela Larson
1. I think Yasuo wanted to be the first one off the train so he could see and care for Hachi.
2. To be devoted is to kindof like, hopeing for something or wanting to complete something. Hachi is devoted to see his master again. He will not give up hope. He believes his master will eventually come back
3. Since Yasuo can't take Hachi to his house, he gives him fresh food and water every day when he gets to the train station.
4. Hachi acts very alert every time when a train comes because he thinks his master might be there.
5. I think Hachi continues to hope for his master to come back becuase he knows his master would never abandon him. Hachi loves Proffessor Ueno.
6. Chuken means "to die of noble death", kindof like devoted. Hahci earns the name because he is devoted. He waits for his master every day.
7. When people see Hachi every day waiting for his master, they think; " if Hachi doesn't give up hope, we will not give up hope!"
8. Hachi impressed everybody by eating the yakitory becuase he jumped up and snatched the food out of Yasuo's hands and used his paws to rip the yakitory off the stick.
1.He was able to go on the train all by himself and he also wanted to check on Hachi
2.Devoted means very loving or loyal, and he is loyal and loving because he was waiting for the proff and he is always loving to his master the proff
3.He will feed him and bathe him and walk him.
4.He gets up and he is just alert and watching and scaning.
5.He believes that the master will come back.
6.when the reporter takes a pic of Hachi and Yasuo.
7.Hachi never gave up hope so the neither did the people.
8.He smacked the peices of chicken out of his hand and peeled off the chicken from the skewers
Spencer :^)
After reading chapters 7-8, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to use text evidence when necessary.
1. Why did Yasuo want to be the first person off the train?
Yasuo wanted to be off the train first because he wanted to see Hatchi and wanted him to think he was hismaater.
2. What does devoted mean? How is Hachi devoted?
I think devoted means does it and never will stop mabey . Hatchi was devoted because he waited at the station every day.
3. How will Yasuo take care of him?
Yasuo will take care of him by feeding him and brushing his fur.
4. How does Hachi react every time a train approaches?
Hatch reacts by looking at all the faces if people passing looking for his master.
5. Why does Hachi continue to hope and wait for his
master each day?
Hatch waits every day because they had a bond and they loved each other!
6. How does Hachi earn the name Chuken Hachiko? What
does it mean and why does it fit him?
Hatchi earned the name because he is his name. The name means faithful dog. It fits him because like I said he is a faithful dog.
7. How is Hachi encouraging the people of Japan?
Hatci encourages people by Hachi being brave, and if he can be brave so can they!
8. How did Hachi impress everyone when he ate the
Hachi impressed people because he used his paws to eat and I bet they have never seen a dog do that!
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