I just finished reading The GollyWhopper Games. It only took me 2 days because I could not put it down! If you are a fan of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, this is the book for you.
Gil Goodson is the main character of the book. His future happiness depends on winning the Golly Toy & Game Company's ultimate competition. If Gil wins, his dad has promised the family can move away from all the gossip, the false friends, and bad press that have plagued the Goodsons ever since The Incident.
Gil's been studying for months. He thinks he knows everything about Golly's history and merchandise. But does he know enough to answer the trivia? Solve the puzzles? Complete the stunts? Will it be more than all the other kids know? He must be quicker and smarter than all of them. The ride of Gil's life is about to begin. Does he win?
Gil's been studying for months. He thinks he knows everything about Golly's history and merchandise. But does he know enough to answer the trivia? Solve the puzzles? Complete the stunts? Will it be more than all the other kids know? He must be quicker and smarter than all of them. The ride of Gil's life is about to begin. Does he win?
Throughout the book you can solve the puzzles right along beside Gil...although I will warn they are tricky. I couldn't figure some of the out. Happy Reading!
If you want to learn more about the author or book go to http://www.gollywhoppergames.com/. Click on the television.